13 Oct 2020 The Power of Coming Together In the V&A Waterfront neighbourhood, we believe that kind business is good business, so we aim to develop a sustainable, authentic and locally-driven food ecosystem that is diverse and supports the well-being of our neighbourhood and its people and, ultimately, society as a whole. Here are some of the differences we’ve made to our community in 2021: Fire Relief Who can forget when Table Mountain was aflame and the devastation it caused the surrounding community. The V&A Waterfront was quick to act, assembling a group of volunteers, making over 6,000 sandwiches, 1,000 breakfast breads and 1,000 pasta lunches for the University of Cape Town students who were evacuated from their residences. From thousands of cooked meals and hygiene essentials to accommodation and more, we lent a helping hand wherever possible because together, we really do make a difference. Heart to Heroes Our frontline heroes have worked and continue to work through the Covid-19 pandemic. As the restriction levels rise and fall, these individuals need our support and appreciation more than ever for their tireless care of our communities! Which is why, together with various food tenants at Makers Landing, our staff came together to distribute delicious and nutritious meal packs for the employees at New Somerset Hospital. Although this is just one hospital, we thank all frontline workers for their strength during this trying time. Heart of Filling the Belly A campaign rooted in the need to support our food and beverage tenants and act as a catalyst response to the tremendous need for food relief at the outset of Covid-19. We have managed to chop, dice and cook thousands of meals a day for hungry bellies in need thanks to our partnerships with Den Anker Restaurant & Bar, Via Vittoria, Radisson RED Hotel Cape Town, Grand Africa Cafe & Beach and the Oranjezicht City Farm Market. But the true Heart of Filling the Belly is our ability to support like-minded NGOs Hebron Project, The Justice Desk, The Rhulani Mabasa Children’s Foundation and our partnership with Ladles of Love in a joint mission to come together and utilise food for the greater good of our community. In Conclusion As a neighbourhood, we care for others, and we know that food plays an essential role in creating meaningful change for those in need. This is why we continue to step in, step up and make an impact wherever the need arises.