The V&A Waterfront is committed to establishing, promoting, maintaining and improving a culture of sustainability and environmental responsibility through all of its stakeholders.

In order to achieve an equitable balance between economic, environmental and social sustainability, we are committed to best sustainable practice through what we do and how we do it.

The Waterfront is committed to applying best practice in Environmental Management and has set the following objectives:

  • To ensure compliance with all local, national and international laws, regulations and standards applicable to its business;
  • To set specific objectives for managing the environment, or to improve or minimise environmental impacts in relation to the Waterfront;
  • To monitor and report on environmental objectives by including environmental targets in the key performance indicators;
  • To consider the effect that our operations may have on the local community;
  • To promote environmental awareness amongst our suppliers, contractors and partners by implementation of operational procedures;
  • Ensuring effective and expedient incident control, investigation and reporting;
  • To document, implement and maintain this policy and to ensure that it is communicated to all employees so that they are made aware of their environmental responsibilities;
  • To make this policy available to interested and affected parties by displaying it publicly;
  • To review this policy annually to ensure it remains relevant and appropriate to the V&A Waterfront.