Environmental message: Plastic bags look like jellies when they float in the water and animals might eat them by mistake. Please avoid single-use plastic and choose reusable alternatives. Night-light jelly Pelagia noctiluca I live in large blooms in deeper waters off the Western Cape coast. Sometimes I flash my own glowing lights when I am struck by wavesI range in colour from mauve, purple, and pink to light brown and yellow. I eat floating planktonic animals, larvae and fish eggs. My tentacles and bell are covered in stinging cells.Behind the scenes with jellies, corals and their not-so-spineless carer: Anemone I look like a delicate flower, but I am actually an animal that can move and catch prey. I have poisonous barbs in my tentacles which fire on contact, injecting poison into my prey. I protect myself by secreting a special slime which prevents the stinging cells on one of my tentacles from firing when they come into contact with other tentacles or with my body.