Eat Your World: Indian Cuisine Vendor Application

Inspired by the flavours of the world and a shared vision of food and drink as a passion point and cultural connector, we at V&A Makers Landing look forward to showcasing all things Indian cuisine and culture, from bhaji to bhangra.

That’s not all; we aim to make the circle bigger by offering a platform for high-quality food and crafts businesses to trade at one of our markets and activations. Inviting all food businesses, spice and sauce traders, clothing, design and craftspeople, and hot foods to apply. THE APPLICATIONS CLOSE at MIDNIGHT 15 NOVEMBER 2023

"*" indicates required fields

Are you in possession of a Hawkers license:*
Are you in possession of a COA:*
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 128 MB.
    Would you be available for a meeting to present your concept and tasters of your product:*