17 Mar 2020 This festive season, we were proud to support Woman Against Rape through our gift wrapping service. We caught up with Carey Robinson, their financial director to understand more about the incredible work that they do. Please tell us more about Women Against Rape and the work that you do? We are doing all we can to create awareness surrounding rape and abuse, an ever-increasing crime. We teach practical strategies to avoid potentially dangerous situations of rape or abuse by doing educational talks at schools and offices and offering information via our website, newsletters and Facebook. We pack and deliver comfort parcels to various police stations, hospitals and trauma centres. We offer limited counselling and can source free counselling though our affiliated organizations. We also have feeding schemes and teach sewing and computer literacy to help those in need to become independent and able to leave an abuser who also is the only bread winner. Could you tell us about how you started the organisation and the need it serves. Woman Against Rape began in Pretoria by Janine Rowely, by delivering comfort pack parcels to rape victims at police stations in March 2000. As the word spread, the areas of operation expanded and Woman Against Rape was officially conceived. There is a huge need to educate everyone about types of abuse, what is a healthy relationship and where they can go for help. By educating people about types of abuse, we create awareness of what abuse is. Some individuals may realize that they are being abusive to others and that they just had not thought that their particular behaviour was abusive. By educating children about types of touch that are good and bad, we teach them to understand that molesting is not acceptable. When we talk to people about the emotions a rape victim goes through and acceptable types of responses, we help friends and family of rape victims to respond respectfully. Sharing stories from other rape and abuse victims helps others who have gone through similar situations to realize that they are not alone and they are not to blame. There is a lot of misunderstanding surrounding rape and we go through myths and truths with people to help alleviate the stigmas that society give rape victims. How can people support you (apart from having their gifts wrapped over the festive season)? We would love people to go onto our website and read the articles, educate themselves and be safe. If they like the work we are doing, they can get in touch with us through the website, to offer to volunteer or donate towards this cause. CONTENTS OF COMFORT PACKS – Adults and children Teddy bear Tissues Sweets and/or chocolate Juice Face cloth Soap Shampoo Tooth paste Tooth brush Towel Underwear (panties, boxers) Sanitary towels Comb Deodorant Skin lotion Want to get involved? Please get in touch with Carey: Carey Robinson 021 555 3492 womanagainstrape.co.za carey@womanagainstrape.co.za