We’re helping to reduce water consumption

Water is a scarce commodity in South Africa, and this is especially true for Cape Town. The V&A Waterfront takes the saving of water very seriously, and has managed to demonstrate this by cutting its water usage by 53% since 2010. This has been done by means of innovative ways to save water, which includes the following:

  • Installing water meters in all tenant premises;
  • A move to drip irrigation;
  • Use of borehole and grey water for toilets, cleaning and irrigation; and
  • Proactive pressure management and aggressive leak detection.

Further measures that we have introduced include:

  • Reducing water pressure throughout the property;
  • We are in the process of currently cutting water to all taps, bar one, in each of our public bathrooms, and replacing with hand sanitisers;
  • All operational taps have had their sensor timings adjusted to a minimum and each tap installed with aerating water restrictor;
  • A grey water system was installed in the Victoria Wharf Shopping Centre in November 2017, whereby the air conditioning cooling tower bleed off is collected and used to flush toilets;
  • All of the air conditioning plants at Silo District buildings make use of sea water cooling (instead of air conditioning) and the Clock Tower buildings were connected to sea water cooling at the end of last year.
  • The new development at Waterway House relies solely on air cooled chillers negating the need for any potable water use.
  • The use of filtered sea water for the scrubbing of very dusty areas (e.g. new parking garages).

We encourage all visitors to the property to join us in being waterwise.
